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Singapore University of Social Sciences

SUSS is a university with a rich heritage in inspiring lifelong education, and transforming society through applied social sciences. We develop students and alumni to be work-ready and work-adaptive, aspiring to reach their full potential, through our 3H's education philosophy – 'Head' for professional competency with applied knowledge, 'Heart' for social awareness to meet the needs of the society, and 'Habit' for passion towards lifelong learning.

We offer more than 100 undergraduate and graduate programmes, available in full- and part-time study modes which are flexible, modular and inter-disciplinary, catering to both fresh school leavers and adult learners. SUSS also offers a broad range of continuing education and training modular courses for the professional skills upgrading of Singapore's workforce.

Our programmes and courses are offered by our five schools:

To date, over 47,000 graduates have experienced our unique brand of education, and each year, over 21,000 students are pursuing their full- and part-time studies with us.

The Institute for Adult Learning (IAL), as part of SUSS, leads in the field of research on adult and workplace learning and training of adult educators to build capabilities of the training and adult education sector in Singapore and beyond.


SUSS Scholarship

  • Outstanding academic results, strong language skills, track record in co-curricular activities, leadership qualities, community service
  • CGPA 3.8 and above (for current SUSS students)
  • Possess outstanding Singapore-Cambridge GCE A Level, local polytechnic diploma, International Baccalaureate diploma, NUS High School diploma or equivalent qualifications (for new prospective students)

Deadline: All Year Round